

Optional Module

Full Management of Your Warehouse

ABM’s Warehousing module provides logical control and organisation of stock, allowing users to create a hierarchal structure in each warehouse with multiple aisles, levels, etc. and a waiting area for goods not yet put away. The module uses “bins” to organise and group stock depending on the user’s grouping method, location, level or stage.


Visual control

Visual representation of the warehouse structure allows users to easily organise and find stock through point-click operation and fast search facilities.

Unique stock handling

Effectively handle consignment and bonded goods, as well as place weight or capacity limits and reservations on “bins” as required.

Multi-layered stock structure

The hierarchal structure allows the user to drill down through as many sub-headings as desired to organise stock as needed. Multiple products can then be stored per “bin” and multiple “bins” can be used per product with serial and lot numbers assigned to products.

Transfers and stock movements

After initially receiving stock, transfers from one location to another within the warehouse or to another warehouse is easily made within the system. Organise stock to adapt to your changing environments or stock requests.
